With Truly Immersive Audio
Convincing Immersion
We at IMEXsound specialise in high quality immersive audio experiences. We are a team of award winning experts with extensive international experience in music composition, production, live sound reinforcement, and immersive audio applications. As true believers in the immense opportunities of immersive music, we pride ourselves with developing custom solutions and realising utmost audio quality for each of our projects, so that audiences across the globe can enjoy immersive experiences as much as we do.
We’ve had the pleasure of working with great people on great projects. Here’s a list to name a few.
cami music
Overlook Events
Gate 67
Bell Fibe TV
Black Ink
Madrid Produce
Wonder City Joe Hisaishi
Elden Ring Symphonic Adventure (Bandai Namco)
Sybo Games – Subway Surfers
Traumton Records
Assassins’ Creed Symphonic Adventure
Lockhart Production
Aalborg Symphony Orchestra
Dutch Opera
New European Enesmble